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E-mail: xqing@bjmu.edu.cn



研究兴趣:1. 从事蛋白质翻译异常终止的机制及促通读蛋白药物的发现, 研究模型主要包括成人组织干细胞、罕见病PTC患者iPS细胞等稀有细胞模型;2. 基于基因密码扩展和Suppressor tRNA的成体干细胞修复及示踪关键技术研究;3. Mini-organ的培养及分析系统建立。




北京大学, 无机药学, 博士后, 2006





国家自然科学基金面上项目: 脑内松果体生物矿化的分子机制(2014-2017)

国家自然科学基金青年项目: MnSOD模拟物的抗氧化的神经保护机制(2009-2012)






  1. Ariyachet C, Tovaglieri, A, Xiang, G, Lu J, Shah MS, Richmond CA, Lu J, Verbeke C, Brown J, Shivdasani R, Breault D, Mahony S, Xia Q, Mooney D, and Zhou Q. Engineered stomach tissues as a renewable source of functional beta-cells for blood glucose regulation. Cell Stem Cell,2016 March 3, 18, 1–12, dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.stem.2016.01.003.
  2. Zhang B, Yang Q, Xu H, Wu Y, Wu L, Yao T, Zhang L, Xia Q*, Zhou D*. CRISPRi-Manipulation of Genetic Code Expansion via RF1 for Reassignment of Amber Codon in Bacteria. Sci Rep.2016, Jan 28;6:20000. doi: 10.1038/srep20000.
  3. Lu J, Cheng K, Zhang B, Xu H, Cao Y, Guo F, Feng X, Xia Q*. Novel mechanisms for superoxide-scavenging activity of human manganese superoxide dismutase determined by the K68 key acetylation site.Free Radic Biol Med. 2015 Aug; 85:114-26.
  4. Lu J, Cao Y, Cheng K, Xu B, Wang T, Yang Q, Yang Q, Feng X, Xia Q*. Berberine regulates neurite outgrowth through AMPK-dependent pathways by lowering energy status.Exp Cell Res. 2015 Jun 10;334(2):194-206.
  5. Cheng KY, Guo F, Lu JQ, Cao YZ, Wang TC, Yang Q, Xia Q*.MnTM-4-PyP Modulates Endogenous Antioxidant Responses and Protects Primary Cortical Neurons against Oxidative Stress.CNS Neurosci Ther. 2015 May;21(5):435-45.
  6. Cheng KY, Guo F, Lu JQ, Cao YZ, Xia Q*. MnTM-4-Pyp protects cortical neurons against oxidative stress via induction of cellular antioxidant response. Int J Dep Neurosci. 2015 Dec;47(Pt A):101.doi:10.1016/j.ijde vneu.2015.04.276.
  7. Zheng Y, Yu F, Wu Y, Si L, Xu H, Zhang C, Xia Q, Xiao S, Wang Q, He Q, Chen P, Wang J, Taira K, Zhang L, Zhou D*. Broadening the versatility of lentiviral vectors as a tool in nucleic acid research via genetic code expansion.Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Mar 12. pii: gkv202.
  8. Xiong W, Zhao J, Yu H, Li X, Sun S, Li Y, Xia Q, Zhang C, He Q, Gao X, Zhang L, Zhou D*. Elevated expression of AKR1C3 increases resistance of cancer cells to ionizing radiation via modulation of oxidative stress.PLoS One. 2014 Nov 24; 9(11):e111911.
  9. Xia Q,Liu HX, Yang XD*, Wang K. The neural toxicity of lanthanides: An update and interpretations. Sci China Chem. 2012, 42(9): 1308-14
  10. Huang HF, Guo F, Cao YZ, Shi W, Xia Q*. Neuroprotection by Manganese Superoxide Dismutase (MnSOD) Mimics: Antioxidant Effect and Oxidative Stress Regulation in Acute Experimental Stroke.CNS Neurosci Ther. 2012, Oct;18(10):811-8
  11. Xia Q*, Feng X, Huang H, Du L, Yang X*, Wang K. Gadolinium-induced oxidative stress triggers endoplasmic reticulum stress in rat cortical neurons. J Neurochem. 2011, Apr; 117(1): 38-47
  12. Feng XD, Xia Q*, Yuan L, Huang HF, Yang XD, Wang K*. Gadolinium triggers unfolded protein responses (UPRs) in primary cultured rat cortical astrocytes via promotion of an influx of extracellular Ca2+. Cell Biol Toxicol. 2011, Feb; 27(1):1-12
  13. Zhao MX, Li JM, Du L, Tan CP, Xia Q*, Mao ZW*, Ji LN. Targeted cellular uptake and siRNA silencing by quantum-dot nanoparticles coated with cyclodextrin coupled to amino acids. Chem Eur J. 2011, Apr 26; 17(18):5171-9.
  14. Zhao MX, Huang HF, Xia Q*,Ji LN, Mao ZW*. Cyclodextrin–folate complex-functionalized quantum dots for tumor targeting and site-specific labeling. J Mater Chem. 2011, 21, 10290–7.
  15. Feng X, Xia Q*, Yuan L, Yang X, Wang K*. Impaired mitochondrial function and oxidative stress in rat cortical neurons: implications for gadolinium-induced neurotoxicity. Neurotoxicology.2010, Aug; 31(4):391-8
  16. Xia Q*, Feng XD, Yuan L, Wang K, Yang XD*. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor protects neurons from GdCl3-induced impairment in neuron-astrocyte co-cultures. Sci China Chem.2010, Oct; 53 (10):2193–9
  17. Zhao MX, Xia Q*, Feng XD, Zhu XH, Mao ZW*, Ji LN, Wang K. Synthesis, biocompatibility and cell labeling of L-arginine- functionalbeta-cyclodextrin-modified quantum dot probes. Biomaterials.2010, May; 31(15):4401-8


招聘博士后: 本实验室招收干细胞和生化专业博士后(2-3)年,年薪按照15-18万/年